Contact details
ul. Szpitalna 25
+48 533 818 291
Opening hours
9:00 - 17:00
01.01.2025, 06.01.2025, 20.04.2025, 21.04.2025, 01.11.2025, 24.12.2025, 25.12.2025, 26.12.2025
InfoKraków point at 25 Szpitalna Street is located near the transport complex: the railway and bus stations. For many tourists, this is the place of first contact with Krakow’s actual tourist offerings. Here, we explain the ins and outs of public transport, provide promotional material, and point out places and monuments worthy of special attention and unusual ways of exploring them. We help both experienced globetrotters and young (in age and spirit) adepts of tourism from both home and abroad. Even if you were born in a Krakow horned hat with a peacock feather on your head – join us, Krakow changes overnight.
Fot. Michał Stawowiak for Kraków5020 Sp. z o.o.